Saturday, September 19, 2009

The most important traits in the character of a business leader

These character traits are important because without these it would be impossible to create a relationship where a customer can come to like and trust you. Trust and likeness are vitally important to any business as most customers buy on emotion. Therefore, if they do not perceive an emotional connection, no matter if your service or product is better than the competition, they will go with the person they like and trust.
The most important of these is Integrity. It tells the person that either works for a leader or is a customer of the leader that they can trust this person. The perception will lead people to believe that the leader has their best interests at heart. If a leader wants people to follow them it is vital that they look after the interests of their followers first and then themselves. The pay-off comes when these people feel that they are always given the best value. The question one must ask yourself if you want to be a leader is, “where are the cracks in my integrity” and work on ways to resolve them.
The second most important of the above is attitude. Here optimism is a vital component. We cannot change many of the things in the world and in our outside life. One thing we can change however is our attitude. One question you can ask yourself is where you followers perceive you as an optimistic person? Most people will follow someone that is always optimistic about future events. We all have to remain realists, but someone who always sees the glass as half-full will be more likely to have many more followers that those that see the glass as half-empty. It is therefore important as a leader to remember that people are likely to follow leaders with a good attitude to any given situation.
A business owner is a leader. Have you checked your attitude recently? Do people follow you because of the inspirational things you say or do or do they follow because they have no other options at the moment and will if it arises?

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog.We are in similar lines.may be we can think of some cross boarder training.
    Iam following you.follow me too.
